I am going to learn...
¿Cómo estás? ¡Yo estoy muy bien!
I hope all you are fine.
I love challenging myself, that is why I am going to start learning French! Soon I would be a language student like all of you! My brother lives in Paris, so I want to know how to communicate in French; to know their culture better and enjoy my trips to this country even more! Maybe I can make friends there too!
Challenges are a good way to try new things and to keep progressing. I have some challenges to help you to continue learning Spanish. Choose some of them and you can share with me your experiences. Also, I would love to hear your experiences learning Spanish at home. Some of you would like to listen to some Spanish songs through Rockalingua’s website or on YouTube; others could be risk-takers by exploring some of the websites and resources I have suggested.
Please have a look at the resources I suggested to continue practising español, some of them are: songs on YouTube and Rockalingua, some free websites, an app... Also, remember you can use an online dictionary (www.wordference.com and google translator) to help you understand the meaning of the words.
Try to do your best and choose the resources that suit you and have lots of fun!
¡Hasta luego!
Señorita Fernández
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