As a Church School, RE is a core curriculum subject at St Jude and St Paul’s School. We follow the London Diocesan Board for Schools (LDBS) syllabus, and adapt each unit to meet the unique needs of the children in our school.
Each unit of learning is taught through a ‘Big Question’ approach with children being given the opportunity to explore concepts with confidence. Children are taught about a number of religions and worldviews including Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism and Sikhism. Children are encouraged to ask questions, make comparisons and learn to put their own point across whilst all the time understanding that others’ views may be different to theirs. We undertake a number of class trips each year and at least one of these will be to a place of worship.
The intent of the LDBS RE syllabus:
- To enable all children to become religiously literate.
- To ensure RE enables all children to live life in all its fullness – vision for Education (Church of England)
- To offer a systematic enquiry- based approach to the teaching of RE so that the following skills in children can be developed:
- Ability to be critical thinkers
- Ability to engage critically with texts
- Ability to ask deep and meaningful questions
- Ability to make connections within and across religions and worldviews
- Ability to reflect, respond and express their own religious, spiritual and/or philosophical convictions
- Ability to make their own choices and decisions concerning religion and belief based on a deep knowledge and understanding of religions and worldviews, belief systems, values and practices.